
My friend Annie has a 'Well being' business, she does the 'Bowen" technique, and 'Amatsu' and she's very good at it. She treats me and I always feel so good after I've been treated by her. She's asked for some of my pictures for her website and to use in her newsletters. Lovely compliment! I've been messing about today taking pictures of Daisies and couldn't help but think the top one is how people often go in to see her, and bottom picture is how they leave.

Bit of a lazy day being busy doing not much at all, apart from messing about with the Daisies!

It's been so cold today, we've got used to the door being open all day, so we're in and out of the house and garden all day long.That has to be my favourite thing about summer, but today it felt like winter with the door closed all day.

A friend called round today with a big bunch of flowers and a couple of cakes, the reason? It's Lew, and it's the kind of thing he does. So kind. He's slightly 'crazy' but has a heart of gold.

Played a couple of finding our way out of the maze games on the Caribu app with Emmeline and also read her a couple (or more!) stories. One of them was the familiar Cinderella, another was a very modern story about how when a boy and girl bear meet they kiss and cuddle. Eventually they have a baby .... Now I'm wondering where this story is taking me!!! Mummy Hayley is the 'sex ed' teacher! Anyway it goes on to tell that sometimes two boy Bears fall in love. They find they can't have a baby like boy and girl Bear can. Long story short - they find an abandoned baby Bear in the woods and they all live happily ever after. Bit different to the Hans Christian Andersen books I was brought up with!!!!

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