I have had to stop doing the more strenuous exercises Mr. HCB and I were doing together because my right knee has been quite sore but I still wanted to go out for a walk, so went out this morning just before 8 a.m.  

It was a beautiful morning, with the sun shining and the north wind that had chilled us yesterday wasn’t in evidence, so off I went, on my own.  We have quite a large lake nearby so I was able to walk along the bank, see the beauty all around me, listen to the birds and pray as I walked.  I have never seen so many nettles around, and the smell was wonderful - not sure I fancy nettle soup, but I remember reading that one Blip friend had made some.  Knowing me, I would get horribly stung collecting them - yes, I know I could wear gloves, but I can testify that they even sting through thick jeans!

I passed several people and we all observed the physical distancing rule, with most saying “Good morning” as they passed - just a couple of men, obviously intent on their running, didn’t bother but that was fine.  I didn’t go too far as my knee was aching, but knew where there was a derelict tree, so decided that after I had taken my photograph for the DS challenge, I would come back home rather than walking any further.

There do seem to be lots of mixed messages about what we can and can’t do, but Mr. HCB and I are quite happy to meet our neighbours, have our shopping delivered and hopefully in a few days, go out for a short drive, but we have accepted the fact that we won’t be meeting up with lots of people for a while, which of course, includes not being able to go back to Church.  

However, rather than berating the Prime Minister and others in the Government for what they are doing or not doing, we feel we must do our bit in these difficult and challenging times and most importantly, we need to stay positive and optimistic in believing that in time things will change and get better.  

“Cultivate an optimistic mind, 
     use your imagination, 
          always consider alternatives, 
               and dare to believe that you can make 
                    possible what others think is impossible.”
Rodolfo Costa

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