Backyard visitors

Today there were plenty of visitors for me to see in the backyard.  

Mr & Ms Cardinal came on more than one occasion. I do have to say though that I thought someone needed to tell Mr Cardinal he needed to start using a napkin or such!  He would go to the suet block and then to the seed feeder and the seeds would stick to the suet on the outside of his beak.

Lots of Chickadees came to visit but their visits were so fast, they were hard to photograph. 

Mr Ruby-Throated Hummingbird, I saw once at the orange feeder and once at the blue feeder.  He may have been more often but if you aren't looking at the very moment he visits than, poof! 

The Chipping Sparrow young'uns are squawking nonstop and although they can now get food on their own, they want it supplemented by mum still.  They are a demanding lot.  

The Downy Woodpecker is a quiet wee thing who just pops in for a quick bite and then is gone again.  

The Tufted Titmice were making lots of visits to the peanut suet feeder today.  

The Pileated Woodpecker was not happy with the windy weather yesterday and today.  He would come and land on the clothesline post and then hop over to the suet block.  Yesterday and today, I watched as he would take several swoops before successfully landing on the suet block because the wind would cause it to swing.

In extras, I have a photo of the new water fountain that I bought for the cats.  I have put this there for Irish56.  I decided on this fountain as it doesn't have any hard corners for cleaning issues.  The bulk of the water is contained and therefore not open to contamination etc.  After the water has streamed across the "bowl" and as it goes back into the reservoir, it goes through a filter. The pump in the fountain is extremely quiet and the top of the fountain fits firmly in place so curious cats can't knock the top off.   The reservoir is large enough that it will last the week so I don't have to fill the fountain between weekly cleanings.  

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