horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

All Filler, No Killer

Nice slogan for a veg pie. Though, if you saw the steak tartare from last week you'll know I'm rather partial to a nice bit of red meat.

Good chat with EcoDad at lunchtime in the Forest Café (aka, to us at least, the Anarchy Café), about birds and isles and sketching (he also managed to mention, and show, my sketches to one of the girls working there, who then gave me details of their little exhibition space to apply to show some of them off, which is rather nice).

BlipBigYear continues apace with over 320 bird species listed so far - I'm heading down to Newcastle at the weekend, and such is the draw of the list I'm planning a short diversion onto Lindisfarne en route to see if I can et something not yet snaffled. Yep, already wishing away the next two days - though today wasn't bad, especially a short presentation at urea meeting that managed to get brightened up with some rather, em, comical pics.

Must get sketching my favourite BlipBigYear pic of January as well, given I'd promised a sketch for my favourite pic of each month. And it's been bloody hard.

Meant to mention the other day a lovely bit of management speak on a call on Monday. The guy on the other end of the line caught himself about to say something that was succinct and understandable, then wound himself back to use that wonderful 'journey' word that seems to be everywhere. So he started with "So what's the method to...." then paused, before changing to, "So what's the journey we have to go on to get these signed off."

'Journey' must have been used about 32 times in the 50 minute call. I've said it before,I'll say it again and again and again, speak bloody English. Don't talk about journeys, or cascades, or any of the other words that have somehow entered business language in a striking 1984 fashion. Please.

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