Daughter Number 2

In true Lockdown style and following the rules, Bella and I met with Daughter Number 2 today. We did exactly the same walk as yesterday and stopped for a picnic by a pond. Sophie is coping well considering she has continued to work full time and is trying to sell her house and buy a new one. She's a real gym friek too and she's managed well with her weight training in the garden, substituting weights for paving slabs!!!

We chatted for 6 miles and the hardest part was saying goodbye. I SO wanted to give her a hug. She looked a bit sad that we couldn't.

I messaged the Natural burial ground owner last night. They have reassured me that handling mums coffin will be safe for my brother who's transporting her in his van.... don't ask.... and my Son who's helping put her in the hole as she would have been dead 2 weeks by then and the virus is apparently gone by then. They just suggested gloves so they don't get rope burns! It feels like I could make a carry on movie from all this!

Mr W surprised me with a beautiful gift this morning. I shall add to extras. It's my favourite jewellery from Lucy Bradshaw, the same as the fir cone one I blipped a few weeks ago, but this one's called Bella. He's so sweet. xXx

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