
By BGCoffee

A Good Day for Bread and Letters

Today was a good day.  Managed to cycle to BG again despite the 87 Deg F but definitely needed the shower afterwards.  Also, I have been making sourdough for about 10 years now and have always felt like the crumb could be improved.  OK, I have had some good results when I got lazy and added a bit of yeast to revive the starter or a little to the dough.  But my quest as always been to achieve the results with only flour and water plus a bit of salt.  I spent the last month experimenting with different flours, different alkalinity in the water and different techniques and timings.  I even used a note book I had been given on my Birthday to track every change I made.  Well finally it paid off as I feel like this is the best I have produced with only flour, water and salt.  

AND - then I was reading the Guardian and saw the letter I had emailed 2 days ago had been published - see extra - Fame at last

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