Festering mankiness

These are the socks from my trip. They're as yet unwashed. I've hung them up because they truly are festering and manky.

Somehow I'll get them from here to the washing machine which is about to enter a marathon heavy duty effort. Truth be told, if I take the pegs off they'll probably walk to the washing machine.

Lucky you can't smell them ;-)

That odd looking white stuff on the middle pair is hikers wool. It helps keep my feet in order. Not fool proof but it certainly helps. I put the carded wool onto whatever bits are likely to callous or blister (or both). Once my sock is in place the wool becomes part of the weave of the sock. You don't attach the wool to your skin with tape. It's a bit of fiddle holding the wool in place and putting my socks on but once they're on everything holds.

I'll have to pull this lot off before they're washed. Eewwwwww!

I've had a good day at work and surprisingly productive. Still on a high I guess. I biked as per usual. It seemed absurdly easy.

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