New Adventures

By P1nkdragen

Noisy Mister

Spent much of the day in the garden digging thr clay up to put in the delivery we got earlier in the week.  At some point, this fella decided to land on the fence and chirrup away at us.  Thought he might be after food as our nieghbour often throws food out for the birds but hadn't today.  We raided our store of nuts and raisins, but he wasn't interested.

After a while, we realised he was probably shouting at Strid, who was risking a snooze in the grass (but only whilst we were in the garden, she's a bit of a wuss) and that this chap was likley nesting nearby and keeping an eye out on her.  I was glad of the easy blipopportunity and I love that he has one foot up.

Really need the national Ducksback shortage to end to paint that fence...

Today's Soundtrack: The return of super tech support in Reply All. 

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