Where the Light Gets In

By DHThomas


an exhibition
i visited while in trestel
soon back where it was

I learnt recently that Galerie L'Imagerie is opening again on Tuesday 19 May. It is where I went twice during my stay at the rehab centre when Frédérique Aguillon was holding her workshop with us patients. They had a show at the start of the year which has been curtailed by lockdown, so they decided that they would keep it for a few months before their usual Summer show. I'm glad they're doing this, and we'll probably go very soon to see it. We'll also go to the beach in Trestel, as it has been opened to the public again last week.

I found this leaflet while doing a bit of tidying up on my desk. It was the poster for last year's Summer show - the title was Our Fathers. The poster photo is from Grégoire Korganow's exhibition, Fathers and Sons.

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