By lizzie_birkett

Do Not Disturb...

...I'm asleep with Ted.
It's been a rainy day, it started spitting this morning which went on for ages and was so light we kept thinking it had stopped. As the day went on it rained a bit more and a bit more but never really heavy. It was that very fine rain not heavy enough to make an impact on the parched earth but enough to keep me indoors - except when we turned the boat around so Frank could wash the other side and polish it. 
Bella May however, has been out all day. She doesn't care if it's raining she just loves being outdoors doing her favourite things - bunny, swan and duck spotting. This is all very tiring so when she comes in at about 8pm it's off to bed.

Today was a bit better for me, I phoned Sue and we chatted for ages about creativity - or my lack of it just now! She's an artist and a potter and very encouraging. She gave me some links to look up. After that I wrote a bit in the Grandma journals and when rain stopped for a while this evening I did some weeding in Ted and Jackie's boat garden then took Bella walkies.

The government are still intent on getting the children back to school at the beginning of June. I feel it's an ernormous responsibility for teachers to keep the kids safe from Covid19. They should leave things as they are till Autumn term in my opinion. Why take that risk with people's precious children? 

Anyway, it's bed and book time (having an early night)

Be safe and happy :-) x

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