Lighten my Darkness!

18°C  -  Feels like 15°C  -  14 mph W Wind Speed  -  21 mph Gusts  -  Cloudy with Sunny intervals.  Had all the doors and windows open most of the day! Went to the Post Office to send some prints to my sister, shopped in the Chemists and Lidls. The garden is looking very good at the moment and all my herbs are flourishing.  I found this Dartmoor Pixy languishing by the Chives this morning  -  my mother;s favourite herb!.  He has an interesting history!   He always reminds me of Joan the Wad who was Queen of the Cornish Pixies. My Mother always carried Joan around with her and believed in her powers absolutely.  It is said that ‘Good fortune will nod, if you carry upon you Joan of Wad'!  Read all about her HERE!  Joan the Wad also had the power to lighten your darkness!

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