My Back Yard

WidWed challenge is My Back Yard.....well I've covered the old and the new.  The cluster of shed on the right is where we used to live (the house can't be seen), and if you look really hard way in the distance is where we live now (the black & white house on the right of the road).  As can be seen, it is Otto day today - green being waste, yellow being recycled.
While this looks lovely and warm, let me tell you it was freezing.  Frost this morning, then clouded over.
I took this as we returned from our walk this morning.

Thanks so much for the response to my 'out of space' blip yesterday.  Much appreciated.

My large landscape Blurb book is currently being uploaded.  40% discount not to be sneezed at.

Today’s Stats
New Cases 0 new, 0 probable (yesterday 0)
In hospital 1 (yesterday 2) 0 in ICU
Recovered 1447 (yesterday 1442) 96%
Deaths 0 (21 previous)11 of these are from the same Aged Care Facility
South Canterbury 17 (yesterday 17) 0 in our local hospital
Total Cases 1503 (yesterday 1503)

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