Laburnum and variegated acer

Thank you all for your supportive indignation for yesterday's blip. I've reported the crime to Kent Police as well as footpath irregularities to Kent County Council. I've also written to our local Bearsted and Thurnham Society to enlist their help and support. They're usually very good at fighting battles on behalf of our communities.

Alas, I do not hold out much hope of any action or resolution as it seems that perpetrators are immune to the law as the burden of providing evidence is very demanding which is why people try it on.

On another depressing note, I read today of a significant increase in the killing of raptors in the UK while fewer people were out in the uplands. It's despicable and more frustrating as nothing, but nothing will ever be done. Nobody will be brought to justice and if by the remotest chance they are, they will be punished with an insignificant penalty. How many successful prosecutions have there been for the illegal killing of raptors on our uplands? You could count them on the fingers of one hand. Yet it still goes on.

Some have suggested that the Covid19 outbreak is a reaction to the marginalisation of wildlife caused by the domination of the human race in all areas of the world, we're acting as if we're the only species that matters on this planet.

Now we know we're not and can be floored by the merest speck of material. Will it make any difference, I fear not. Economic growth is the mantra, at the expense of anything and everything else. Yet, a definition of Economy that I've read encompasses the whole of the world as it's based on "eco" as in "ecosystem". You can only run a sustainable economy by having sustainable ecosystems. We're a long way from that position I fear.

If you've got this far, well done. Today's blip is by way of a bit of light relief and I hope you get the impression of the breeze moving the flowers and leaves. It's been hot today with a cooling breeze at times. And, for a change, I've had a reasonably quiet afternoon!

Ah! Yes, I'd forgotten to mention we had broad beans from the allotment last night. Cooked them whole, pods and all. They were wonderful. Have to do this when they're young. Can stir fry them too. Anyone else done this?

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