
A nice morning walk on the beach, then worked. Three lectures done, the fourth prepared, on track for getting a full day off on Thursday. The croissants arrived safely, the chicken, turkey, eggs and pineapple will come tomorrow. Sold out of turkey they said, at 30% off I’m not surprised.
My colleague contacted me, she’d just got an email saying she’d been fired, and it stated for no particular reason. She’d challenged the illegal and excessive deduction for her visa. While she’s been working on plan b, it’s not final yet. Justifiably angry at how badly she’s been treated. She also told me the incoming CEO has been sacked. He’d actually resigned from his previous role and has a family to support. Just horrible, especially in Ramadan when this behaviour is completely contrary to the teachings of the Quran.
Lovely sunset, dinner, TV, bed. A tired body and soul tonight.

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