Screel Hill

Today's the day …………………………… to retrace steps

We went on a bit of a mission today to find out more about a previous owner of our house back in the 1900s.  He had lived in a farm, not far from Kirkcudbright, but in the most beautifully secluded glen.  It was just a delight to walk along the country lanes with the hedgerows brimming with spring flowers and the views round every bend were spectacular.

This is looking northeast towards the rocky ridge of Bengairn with Screel Hill  behind, the highest point on the skyline.  It's actually an area that, back in the mists of time, was very familiar to me.  It was where I came in the summer of 1969, as a very young (and ignorant!) geology student, to do a geological mapping project at the end of my first year.  It involved spending six weeks in a tent - and going out in all weathers to produce a map of the geology of that area.  It's all a bit of a blur now, of course - but it still made my heart beat a little faster just to see it on the horizon.

Little did I know back then, that I would eventually come to live - just down the road …………………  

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