Buddy Yamaha

By richie_rollover

Indian summer

It's so much easier to find inspiration on a beautiful sunny day. Not that there isn't a certain atmosphere and beauty to gloomy shots, but everything seems so wonderfully photogenic on a day like this.

Had to nip up to the local chemist today as I had a free blood sugar test yesterday while waiting on the wee one to get out of school and it was a bit high. As a result they said I should pop up this morning before eating anything to get it checked again. I did and it was still a bit high. :-(

The chemist reckoned I should book an appointment with the doctor who would probably want to take a look at my diet then have me re-tested.

As such the health drive officially starts today, and it started with buying a juicer from loyds chemist since they were doing them for under a tenner. Went to the co-op and bought a big bag of cox's pippins, some conference pears and a pack of brambles and made the most fantastic juice.

Getting my five a day will be easy from now on.

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