
Over once again to The Folks today, and quite a few jobs to keep me busy again including laundry and bed-changing. 

Whilst over there I got a migraine. I had no tablets in my bag as I recently switched to a more summery one and forgot to make sure I had tablets in there, so my Dad gave me some of his Zapain. I like them! I'd never take them if I didn't have a migraine as it would be a slippery slope I think, but when necessary, they do  dispel the migraine super-quick, and give a relaxed and pleasant buzz in the process! 

Jae fetched me home. He always says random, crazy stuff and makes me laugh - yesterday he said "While you were out Minstrel did a really bad thing!" "Did he do his business on the carpet again?" I asked. "No!" Jae replied "He summoned a demon. His name is Malcolm." Today, I asked Jae if he'd seen my sunglasses as I couldn't find them. "Minstrel gave them to Malcolm to get him to go away again!" he said. I love his wackiness!

So far, from Brian's "Gold Star" hamper, I have tried some delicious bite-size cheese shortbread biscuits (Can't believe I'd never tried - or even knew cheese shortbread existed before); dark, rich delectable chocolate truffles, a big tasty peardrop and some orange and Scotch whisky marmalade - so tangy and luscious! I'm the only marmalade eater in the house so I rarely buy it as it goes off before I can eat it all. As this is a half-size jar though I doubt that will happen!

I did take my camera over to Metheringham today and I took a few photos. I went out again once I was home just for a walk by the quieter side of the river-bank. I took my book and sat by the river and read for a while. I'd also taken my camera, just in case, and on the way home I saw this swallow on a wire and decided to go with this shot of him/her!

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