twinned with trumpton


I had the pleasure of Zander to home school today. He'd said he struggled with his maths (decimel points) - 'Mum shouts at me for not doing my maths'. I'm not so stupid as to take this at face value. Unlike the 'he's afraid of you, that's why he doesn't misbehave with you'. No he isn't afraid of me, he just doesn't know how to express himself to properly and explain respect. In the same way that I have knack of explaining maths that your mother doesn't have; she's not a teacher, that's why you go to school because teachers teach. It's a skill. But she's happy to perpetuate the myth. Wonderful.

This and Miro inspired art lessons. I even managed some work you know, although everything was treacle wading. Before I could do anything I had to sort the previous person's oversights which was tiresome. And the joyous news that the annual appraisals are on for next week. Hope I'm last up. 

Me and the lad strolled up to Lidl at lunchtime and chose some things for them lads to eat over the next few days.

We resumed with - sizes? I think it was; and ranking objects. 

Anyway we both logged off at 4; I walked him up the road in glorious sunshine and set off to gather yet more provisions for Her and her household.

It was a pleasant surprise to find Her in the garden - 2 time outside in 10 days? She looked better for it and had also made lasagne AND managed to get back upstairs without some half way coronary. Still not well, but improved, so that's good.
Her mother isn't speaking to Her but seems brighter and now she has nothing she can stress about, she isn't. Medication is underway so hopefully in a week or two things will be calmer there too.

We're still in the woods but edging towards the ..erm..edge? I do hope so.

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