
Tropical storm Arthur has had a go at my Hydrangea Petiolaris which was in full leaf with its little white flowers beginning to open and looking so lovely and healthy against my wall. Yesterday evening the strong wind blew most of it off the wall and broke off about a third.
Just as I was wondering who I could ask to help me pick it up and re wire it to the wall, I had a message from EcoDad offering to bring me some rhubarb and like the Good Samaritan he is, he did it for me. Fate has a way of stepping into the breach.

The wind has been so strong and the splatters of rain so horizontal that I have cowered indoors all day save a quick visit to the local Sainsbury’s for supplies.
I have had a rather unsuccessful attempt at making ginger biscuits, the kind of biscuits one might ask a 5 year old to make. They do taste lovely but there the success ends. Delia had a picture of what they should look like. Mine bear absolutely no resemblance to these. My inner baking goddess has deserted me today.

The rhubarb mousse in preparation at the moment looks to be on track, thank goodness.

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