
By TMac

A Fortunate Series of Events

I didn't walk yesterday.

The day passed as a fog; if I adjust my vision, I can sort of make sense of it.

I was angry and disgusted with myself.

I almost didn't walk again today.
The weather was pretty foul but I'm no fair weather walker.

The day slithered past in a malevolent time-eating fugue.

Then a triple whammy of friends gave me encouragement in three very different, and entirely unconnected ways.

They know of each other but don't really know each other, so I believe their interventions were serendipitous rather than surreptitious.

I got dressed and headed out.
It was windy and, at times, very wet. It wasn't cold and there was a certain pleasure in feeling the sharp sting of rain stabbing the skin of my face.

I pushed for the 4 miles.
Any less would be a waste.
The loch had the look of a stormy sea.

I'm glad I went out.

If you felt the same today, or feel the same tomorrow, let me be the friend that whispers in your ear what you need to hear...

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