Up the hill

Had to go to OGH and shift a few things around this morning, and went for a walk afterwards.  Didn't take the dogs, which turned out to be a good thing - there were more dogs than you could point a stick at.   It would not have been a happy experience for any of us.

So, we got to the top of the hill by a roundabout route which is the one we normally take, but then decided to go down the quick way.  Which is a very steep track indeed but a quarter of the distance of the long way round.

It was actually fun, but we held onto each other tightly so as not to fall.  And we got to see OGH from a different angle.

A great day for walking, not just for us but hundreds of others as well.  It seems to me that the locals have rediscovered their Park in the wake of Coronavirus. 

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