Thoughts of a Mummy

By Jaxndm

Goodbye bumpy...

Today I had a lump removed from my scalp that I have had for several years.
The lump started off the size of a spot, and to be honest, when I first noticed it, that's what I thought it was. However over the years, "bumpy" has grown and become more of an annoyance.
Thankfully (to our doctors and the NHS) I have been able to have the lump removed at our local doctors. A few doses of local anaesthetic and a 15 minute procedure and "bumpy" has gone! However, for the next 10 days I am now left with blue thread sticking out of the top of my hair and unable to wash my hair - Yuk!!
Apparently, if I had been "employed" and have an active job (yeah because running around after four young children isn't being active), I'd be entitled to a sick note for "work" tomorrow. Do you think I'll be able to convince my youngest three that I have a headache and we all need to have a duvet day tomorrow? My girls are good, but I can't see them agreeing to it ;o)
Peach was back to work today after being off due to the weather. We've all loved having him around to help out, but the girls (one precious one in particular) have become dependant on Daddy being here. There was a little meltdown because she couldn't get herself dressed, but we soon remembered how to get dressed after some negotiation ;o)
I'm trying to teach Aj the trick of being gentle with her hands. Quite often she likes to pinch and pull, so she's learning to stroke gently and while she's doing it she says "ahhhh" - fingers crossed (for the sake of my neck & face) it's a habit she masters quickly!.

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