
By Elaine1301

Complete concentration ...

It has been a busy day - tidied the house so the cleaner could clean (a complete luxury but worth it), went for a swim, did some work, played taxi service to my daughter for her guitar and her streetdancing lessons, cooked, tidied up again, and did some more work.

I found a few moments during the hectic day to take this emergency blip of the boys - the only time you ever see them together is when they are eating (as here). Sometimes it is quite easy to mistake one for the other.

Toby Toes is around 8 years and was given to us by one of my husband's work colleagues who was moving abroad (we added the Toby bit as you feel a bit silly calling a large tom cat Toes!), and Rasputin was obtained from the Cats Protection Rescue centre in Harlow in 1998 and is probably around 20. Up close, one is sleak and big and the other has a rougher coat and is a lot thinner than he used to be. If we could turn back the clock for Ras, I'm sure they'd be almost identical apart from the eye colour - one is yellow / orange and the other green.

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