Tree Peony

Its show just began yesterday but with the heat, the tree peony blooms started drooping.  This is SOOC except for some cropping.  My favorite part is the darker outline on the petal edges.  

We drove to CC's to drop off some sewing items for a gift she's making.  It was good to see her smiling face through the car window as we spoke by phone.  On the drive home , we were presented with a beautiful blue sky of immense clouds.  It was hot again today at 80+ degrees and humid.  Late in the afternoon I weeded while Mr Mole edged the beds in back until the rain began.  We're hoping to get things to easy maintenance mode before the really hot weather hits, so we can just sit back and enjoy.

Another mother robin is sitting on the porch nest.  It sure is a popular spot.

Thanking all those who served and serve to keep us safe and free on this Memorial Day.  The traditional local 5k run/walk was unofficially held and apparently many people showed up to participate - not social distancing.  From the news I gather people have lost their senses at beaches and public gathering places worldwide.  They probably won't be the ones getting sick. 

Thanks for visiting and liking yesterday's red squirrel so much.  Be safe.  X

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