Lichen kebab

It's a busy, guddly day today so first I walked the dogs down by the river. It was very swollen after all the rain and snow melt and in places I had to do some interesting 'scrambling' to avoid the deep water covering the path. Along the way I came across a lot of twiggy debris dislodged by the snow and saw this gem of assorted lichen. The air around here is so pure that lichen covers many trees and branches but often it is not until they fall that you have a chance to really study the different types.... and all on just one small branch!

To be honest this is worth viewing in large if you can to see the intricacies of the individual lichens. Each is beautiful.

Having had a quick spot of lunch I am now off to the charity shop with some old clothes and then the tip with my old PC server and various other bits and bobs which are currently helping to add to the clutter in my garage. Then I will come home, make a cuppa and settle down to do some more quilting as I am making good progress on the large quilt I have been working on for so long.

Hope your day is good.

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