It's a baldy bald life!

By DrK

Lantern Rouge

A simple ride to work today. Dry roads and the traffic was ok. Makes a real change.
Just as 5pm approached, I went to save a word document that I had downloaded from the Amateur Swimming Association......! Then my whole PC went into meltdown. After a long panic, I managed to delete and all was well apart from the time.

After a rapid change into my cycling kit, I hit the rush hour traffic with abandon. Gahhhh....I had forgotten to charge my light. I just got home without it becoming totally drained using the flashing mode.

A quick change and back into town to eh get an iPad mini. Whoops, better text the other half as I failed to mention it when we chatted. Yeah yeah, I know purchasing from a global giant yardy yardy yah as I would say. But I'm still susceptible to cognitive dissonance and can justify my purchase because
A I read loads of magazines, so I won't end up having paper ones cluttering up the place.
B I like to write in my spare time, typically when travelling and my old notebook isn't ideal
C I want one.

Then it was off to swimming. Eek...sculling again. I like Kenny the coach so feel comfortable telling him I don't think this type of session achieves what it's argued to. I'll be emailing a few experts to see if they will confirm or refute what I think and report back.

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