They say you should never meet your heroes

They say you should never meet your heroes? Try telling that to Ottawacker Jr., who spends large parts of every Monday waiting for his to arrive.
Monday is, you see, garbage day in our neighbourhood. And to Ottawacker Jr., the arrival of the garbage man is better than a visit from the Tooth Fairy, the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus all combined. Actually, as we forgot about Easter this year (until it was too late to order in an Easter Egg), I kind of get that.
So. Every Monday we have the same ritual. The unmistakeable din of the garbage truck’s arrival in our street (usually lots of crashes, bangs, and abuse being hurled by various neighbours). The click of the front door, an insistent “they are here” shouted as he leaves the building, and the endless wait while they inch up to our house.
He always waves; they always wave back.
This has been going on since he was 2. You know who I blame, don't you MacGuffin....

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