Reflections on things past

The thing about being self-employed is you can never say no to work. I have just been given a three-four day translation to do, and it is at a most inconvenient time. I need to plough on with the editing of the book, strike while the iron is hot, as it were.

But no choice. This is the first paid work in 6 weeks, so it has to be taken and gratefully accepted. But was it ever a struggle. In theory, it should have been a piece of cake, as the translation was into English. But it was incredibly technical, and I found myself having to check each word to find out whether "stormwater" was the right phrase in the context in which it was being used. And then another word, and then another word. Some of the research can be 20-25 minutes long, and that is just for a word. And I had about 4000 to do today, and tomorrow, and the day after... 

Came down just in time to see the burst of sunshine reflected in the kitchen door. 

Life goes on without me.

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