
Byrfyfyr ~ Improvisation

[Byrfyfyr = Byr (Short) + Myfyr (Consideration) = Short Consideration = Improvisation]

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Roedden ni angen Tsampa (རྩམ་པ་) - blawd haidd wedi'i rostio - i wneud Torma (གཏོར་མ), cacennau arbennig Bwdist.  Doedd dim blawd haidd gyda ni, felly roedd rhaid i ni fyrfyfyrio.  Gwnes i rostio ceirch uwd mewn wok ac yn eu daearu mewn cymysgydd. Yna gwnaethon ni cymysgu nhw gyda menyn a wisgi i wneud pelen o does. Llwyddiant! Rydych chi'n gallu defnyddio marsipán yn lle blawd ayyb,  mae'n symlach ac yn gyflymach, ond doedd dim marsipán gyda ni chwaith, ac mae'n dda i wneud rhywbeth y ffordd hirach weithiau.

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We needed Tsampa (རྩམ་པ་) - roasted barley flour - to make Torma (གཏོར་མ), special Buddhist cakes. We didn't have barley flour, so we had to improvise. I roasted porridge oats in a wok and ground them in a blender. We then mixed them with butter and whiskey to make a ball of dough. Success! You can use marzipan instead of flour etc, it's simpler and faster, but we didn't have marzipan either, and it's good to make something the long way, sometimes.

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