
By Madchickenwoman


It was so hot on the allotment this morning! I was sweating like a pig doing the watering after opening the hens! Once again it was mostly women on the plot - I had a nice chat with Brummie Girl and she left before me with 2 fresh eggs for her breakfast! My strawberries are doing surprisingly well - I had meant to move them before the season started but never got round to it, so wasn't expecting any! Brummie Girl had messaged me over the weekend to say pick your strawberries before we eat them - they are being much admired and lusted over apparently! Unfortunately many were not yet ripe underneath so I risked leaving them another day! At least the very dry conditions mean the slugs have not been at them!
 I had time for a quick shower then it was off for Oscars playdate. The heat didn't slow him and Ivy down! I then decided to head for the garden centre and the aquarian shop as I needed fish food - they are eating holiday food blocks at the moment! I had a snoop round the veg shop and bought some figs and dates to help my digestive system! Also some lovely Ginger jam and tea!I would have got some potting compost but there was a queue and it was just too hot for me and for poor Oscar in the car! I will try early one morning when hopefully there will be less of a queue or at least it won't be so hot! 

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