
Out today with Vegan Jo to celebrate my birthday! First I dropped Oscar off for his first time at dog day care! He happily trotted off down a leafy track for a run in a field without a backward glance at me! 
Once at Jo's there was a doggy emergency - she noticed a bald patch on Kess's tail and on closer inspection there was a huge ball pushing out of his skin which was suppurating.  He'd torn a Cruciate ligament a couple of weeks ago and had been on strict rest - no playing with sticks or balls! A phone call to an emergency vet and they thought it was a burst abscess. Jo said he had slept in their bedroom the previous night and they thought he had peed on her husbands jeans. On getting them out of the wash and sniffing them after phoning the vets she decided it was not pee! Best treatment was to put a cone of shame on him to stop him licking it and rest. So a dash home to get Oscars cone!
Finally we set off to see my favourite potter who made my head planter! More lovely heads to see and she had started to make miniature heads - so I bought one for me and one for my sister! We had a good chat about the environment and politics and then headed to the cafe for lunch! It is aptly called The Snails Pace and is on the Camels Trail, an 18 mile track along an old railway line,  so a stopping point for cyclists. The place was heaving inside and out but we managed to find a seat on a great old leather sofa. After an hour our food arrived! We spent the time doing childrens jigsaw puzzles of the Tiger Who came to Tea, reading the books on the shelves and chatting! We were so relaxed we didn't want to move even once we had finished eating!
We had one more Art stop on the way home and then it was back to pick up Oscar - I'm pleased to say although I thought of him during the day I wasn't anxious. He was happy to see me and the woman said he'd been an angel, hadn't pulled on his lead and  played happily with the 3 smaller dogs she had in that day! He fell asleep as soon as we got home! I shall give him more days there and an overnight so he gets used to it ( I get used to it?!) before the two night stay for the Port Eliot festival! 

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