Okay, February - do your thing

January's gone.
Things will get better now, right?

I got one chance to photograph this great spotted woodpecker. As soon as I'd snapped this pic (and decided I needed to change the focus) he spotted me and flew off never to return. I suppose you could say he was great at spotting me...

Today was mainly about shopping and getting bits and bobs for Gemma's EIGHTEENTH birthday on Sunday.
Can you believe it?!?!? I don't look anywhere near old enough, do I?

Do I?!

DO I?!

"No, Rachel"

Okay. So I do.

Things are a bit flappy today and I'm supposed to find time to list everything that makes me anxious. But that would be... er..... everything. And trying to find time to do that is making me anxious.

Why couldn't I have chosen to be obnoxious instead of anxious?

Don't answer that.

Whoops - I've just remembered I'm supposed to be phoning my mum ten minutes ago.

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