More Football

An iconic shot of someone who would make it onto most people's all-time greatest players of all time list. Although the apparent story of the image - one player alone against half a team (and because of who the lone player is, you aren't clear which side has the advantage) - was more a quirk of the angle the picture was taken from and the precise time it was taken. The six players facing us were all lined up in a defensive wall, at right angles to our position and facing a free kick being taken out of frame to the left. Instead of lifting the ball over the wall, the player taking the free kick passed it to his team mate to the side of the wall and the photograph was taken at that point, with him still in possession as the wall breaks apart and the players in it all look towards the ball. Interesting the way that the image tells a story that we feel to be true even although it isn't quite as it appears.

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