Group Selfie

After almost 12 weeks of sheltering in place, our lovely coffee group finally got together in person at Cafe Freida (after Freida Kahlo) following our Zoom class. Mamadou (lower right) owns the cafe which has a lovely outdoor space where we could congregate according to the latest rules. He was elected to take the picture because he has the longest arms! If I had had my wits about me I would have taken the signature Freida Kahlo rose mural on the wall behind John for flower Friday. John, by the way wasn't being a jerk about wearing a mask. He had just taken his off for a sip of coffee....What a pleasure it was to see everyone again despite the constraints of masks and distancing! It's amazing what we can get used to if we have to....

There's something surreal about having a picture taken whilst wearing a mask. Smiling seems a bit pointless, but perhaps the eyes tell the story. I have developed a bit of a cottage industry making masks for friends and friends of friends. Gail is wearing a disposable surgical mask because she lost the one I made for her. I was happy to make another one for her. I have improved upon them since the first ones, putting a double row of stitching around the edge and figuring how to insert a pipe cleaner between them at the top to keep the whole thing from sliding down the nose.  I'm starting to get requests from other people for a second or third mask or a replacement. I stopped counting how many I've made at 50.

We have two more outdoor social engagements this weekend. I.m not sure what we'll do if the predicted rain arrives....

Stay safe everyone and have a good weekend (even though weekends are not much different than any other day...)

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