Roly's Life

By Roly

Guess what?!

Who'd have thought it? 1000 blips. One thousand.

A lot has happened since my first blip - proper, big, life changing events, some great and some downright bloody terrible.

The highs - meeting new friends, making new friends (who I hope shall join the 'met' list by 2000), being able to look back at my children growing up, following the lives of friends and family who have joined up and smiling at some of my old blips.

The lows - seeing memories unexpectedly on those little thumbnails at the bottom from last year, those 2 gaps that HAVE got photos if only I could un-corrupt the memory card and trying to get 4 children, 2 cats and 6 chickens to perform when needed!

My thanks go to the original Bad Mums who got me into this, you've got a lot to answer for ladies! And of course the long suffering MrRoly who has given in and joined up himself!

So that's it - except I feel it necessary to point out that it would probably have been far easier to take the children, cats and chickens to the beach and back again than trying to get 4 children making 1000 with torches...

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