Sit still, Coop!

Here, Cooper. Sit still boy! Cooper, look this way! Here, boy, have a treat and pose for the camera!

Over and over, my daughter and I cajoled their Portuguese water dog, Cooper, to pose for the camera, but he wasn't having any of it. I always admire the fantastic pictures Bethanne takes of India. It isn't at all easy to blip black animals and get any detail, and she does such a fabulous job, but Cooper just didn't get the point.

An indoor blip was called for today due to the wet weather---again! Yesterday I simply gave up on blipping, but didn't want to do that two days in a row, so I called on Cooper for an emergency blip. Outdoors might have been easier, but the snow has been coming down all day, and the temperature is WAY below freezing with a nasty wind, and, outdoor lover that I am, I will not go to the park in these conditions. Guess we will have to see what tomorrow brings.

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