
I woke up early so I could walk before having to be in the office at 8am. A lovely sunrise which made it easier to get up and in fact, I had woken even earlier. A few jobs to get ready for work, stretches and I set off at 6am. And it was so busy! I have seen cars and people from my window before at about that time, but it seemed busier than ever. It was already in the low 30's (C) and humidity of around 30% too. Lovely walk, slightly ruined by being followed home.. I think it was the same person that stopped and stared at me on the beach when I first got there, then later walked past to say hello. I had a sense I was being followed quite early on, and checked two or three times. What were you wearing my manager asked? I told her. That's ok, she said. When she dropped me home I asked her to talk to the caretakers in case I ever needed their help. I mentioned it to the man who sometimes helps me, but you're so beautiful he says. I'm not sure if he's being kind or just doesn't get it. The joys of being a 'blonde' blue-eyed woman.. not! I'm more noticeable now that Ramadan is over. 
Work was meh! To say the least. No motivation. No cleaner since before Ramadan (ie before mid April), no cleaner for the bathrooms either, no paper, no hand towels.. maybe not cleaned for quite as long, but still too long to be not cleaned. No drinking water at work, save for a few small bottles which I took. It was confirmed I'm still to work 3 days only. I've told them I'll work from home, the office is dirty I said, and there are 1014 new cases of Corona today. My sacked, reinstated colleague doesn't want to sign her contract. We contemplated leaving en masse... we're still better off than the 'imported' labourers here, but we don't get any more respect, just more money. My constructively dismissed colleague is furious he can't get his pay, it was due today - his last day. But now they want him to work longer. He has contacts and he will use them if need be. He said to me, never make an Algerian man angry. I could see it in his eyes; the once gentle man is fuming, he's tired of the poor treatment. The manager took me home tonight, she told me of more illegalities - surely he can't get away with this too much longer... 
A nice beach walk, and a chat with the two from the other night. They've suggested every two days, we choose topics, they help me with Arabic, I them with English. Two hours later, I was ready for bed. And my day off tomorrow. 

1014 cases today. A frightening statistic!

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