
By Skysea7

Quiet Harbour?

At last they reopened Charlestown harbour yesterday.  I went down there before 10am this morning before it got busy, and before it got too hot.  It was already too hot for me, with not a breath of breeze.  It was feeling peaceful though, until three very noisy jet skis appeared.  Unfortunately  (hurray!) one broke down so there are only two in this photo.  While they were trying to fix one, an onlooker from the pier called out 'How much do they cost?'.  It was so quiet with those motors stopped that you could hear a pin drop.  The reply? - "Twelve thousand".

I couldn't help feeling a bit resentful that these people with loadsamoney were able to spoil the peace of a beautiful quiet harbour just so they could have fun.

Looking forward now to cooler weather and some rain!  

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