Sign of the times .

Bed before 11, slept well until just before 4, then on and off, but didnt get up until after 9, so caught up a fair bit.

The forecast grey skies and rain was apparent, no sun streaming in......we had a leisurely morning, breakfast indoors, sat in the summerhouse, had our morning coffee, caught up on social media a little.

Lunch was something warm as we began to feel chilly, tee shirts were not enough, so out came tenlong sleeves! Sliced,low,fat sausages, roasted vegetables. mixed through some tomato chilli couscous for my lunch, hub had a sausage & brown sauce barmcake.

The afternoon has been dry so we took ourselves downtown for a walk, got a newspaper, some softfruits, tomatoes, tuna and Iceland Warehouse. As it was mid afternoon town was much quieter which suited us fine. We pass this pub on our walk regularly, whilst its been closed, they have been giving it a bit of a facelift.......I always loved the pubs sign, very quirky I feel.

Back home around 4..... we were wuite chilly, had a cuppa and watched a bit of tv, not something we normally do during the day!

Dinner this,evening was cold roast ham, boiled egg salad with cheesy jacket potato.

I took,part in my Slimming World group zoom. try and get myself refocused, put another pound on :-/ but still 4lb lighter than pre thats something positive.

Another nihtmin front of the tv tonight....... hope there is osmething decent to watch :-/

Hope y'all safe & well

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