The clouds now white fragments beneath the blue sky, sipping breakfast I check the weather app find that it's already up to a 41 degrees real feel and it's  only 0830. A few minutes spent wondering if I need to transition towards cold coffee or if an ice cube in my espresso is enough, maybe ice cream, maybe even chocolate ice cream. By the time I reach the lift there are pools of sweat on my top, outside the sun feels as if it's frazzling the skin on contact.

On the hill breezes flutter, somehow cool, familiar, route chosen by the sound of music trailing across the air. Eventually I find myself at the Buddha shrine, sit in the shadow of a tree under the gold painted image cut into the cliff wall. It's quiet today, a place just to allow thoughts to run free...

Again there's that feeling of disconnect. Here on the island, the government has just told us that we'll each be given 1000 ntd to spend in order to boost the economy.

Outside the world's still burning - watching as the UK removes another layer of accountability from our elected representatives; de Piffle Paffle filleted once again at pmq's - proud of his government's actions despite the numbers telling of systematic incompetence; aggression and denial all that he has to offer.
Drumpf using tear gas and flash bombs to disperse a peaceful crowd in order to pose with a bible, holding it upside down in a moment of sublime irony for those that believe in such things. It feels as if the outer limits of democracy are being strained, that the populists, in their quest evade accountability, are reliant upon ever more desperate measures, a herd of dead cats being used to attempt distraction from the moment. But eventually they have to fail; in the end we're all the same, complex interactions of chemistry and biology, DNA sequences which gather us as a single species, the superimposition of differences because of skin colour or belief insubstantial against simple scientific fact....

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