Dry Cleaning Run

Tony dropped me in Bingley this morning on his way through to do the shopping run and I called in at the dry cleaner's with a couple of things and then walked home.  It's the first time I've been down to the town since this all began and it was eerily quiet with just the supermarket doing some trade.  There were workers in the building society but no customers, and the fancy goods shop owner was changing his window display, but other than that and three or four dog walkers in the park, that was it for people.  It was strange to walk through the Parkrun 'start' and round part of the course before heading off towards the river.  We very much miss our weekly injection of Parkrun, seeing folks, the banter, the cheering on, and I'm not sure when we will be back, but one day.....

I'm just awaiting Tony's return and, meanwhile, searching You Tube for pilates workouts.  There has been considerable thickening of the waist during this lockdown and, more worryingly, a lack of suppleness.  Lovely teacher Caron sent her exercises through, but I need 'a voice' to make me do it.

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