The Devil Finds Work for Idle Hands

10° is far too few degrees for the 4th of June. It was so chilly this morning in the house that I was wearing my down jacket to keep warm. The central heating control in the hallway didn’t seem to agree with my internal heating sensor and didn’t bother turning the boiler on and I didn’t override it, being a tight wad as far as energy bills go.

I have to say, the longer this new arid semi isolating life continues, the harder I find a reason to leap out of bed in the morning. The fact that I usually get out early on bike or foot does not reflect the strength of will that I have to summon to put a foot on the floor, especially if it looks grey and dull outside the blinds.
I think it’s the fact that everyday is the same and it’s getting harder and harder to motivate myself to fill the hours. However once I am over the doorstep, things improve, and here I am writing this blog with another day safely concluded, bar a neighbourly non-clap congregation outside at 8pm, weather permitting.

My blip displays the artistic skills of the local ‘yoof’ who must perpetrate their talents at night when no one is looking. Considering the scale of graffiti covering on any flat space in this area, I have never seen anyone in action.

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