Dutch Clover

I was so pleased with your comments, stars and hearts for my 2555th Blip yesterday. I thank you from the bottom of my heart! I wish that it was practical or even possible to thank each of you personally. It's not, so please know that I greatly appreciate your kindness! 

This is the flower of Dutch Clover. Clover works very well as a low-maintenance ground cover which never needs fertilizer, seldom needs watering, requires little or no mowing, it out-competes weeds so it never needs the application of herbicides, grows happily indoor soil, feels good on bare feet, has a mild, pleasing scent and attractive blooms and last but not least...the urine of female dogs does not affect it, so no 'lawn spots'. Clover is also an excellent pollinator species and attracts bees and other beneficial insects. Many thanks to BikerBear for continuing to host the immensely popular FlowerFriday! 

'If you want peace, work for justice.'
___Pope Paul VI

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