In recovery mode - again!

So, after a broken wrist in 2007 and a bypass in 2009, prostate diagnosis in 2011 and radiation treatment in 2012 and being told lat year that I need a valve replacement ... after all that, here I am sitting on a bench on the seafront in Dún Laoghaire, 19 days after a partial hip replacement. How much more can fate have in store?

A simple fall, and there I was, on the floor surrounded by concerned people including a couple of ambulance men. It didn't take long in Vincent's hospital for them to tell me I'd fractured my femur and needed a partial hip replacement. A week later I was discharged, and am now in convalescence in Carl's place, repeating the history of four and a half years ago.

I'm improving rapidly, and hope to be back home by this time next week. Plans are afoot to get a new camera (the Lumix really didn't suit me), and I hope to be back blipping regularly soon.

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