It's a ???

I have also backblipped yesterday's Decidedly damp day! ...... hope you will have a look ..... thanks to those who already have :-)

Another day of rotten weather ...... more rain & more gusty wind!

In the interest of health I decided getting wet outside would probably make me shrink even more .... so an inside blip should be the order of the day!

I present this mystery object ....... do you know what it is?

Thought it would also be good for Silly Saturday .... thanks to Admirer for hosting as always :-)

As I am posting this the sun has decided to make an appearance ...... a little late in the day but nevertheless good to see. There are however dark clouds looming again .... so the sunshine probably won't last long! :-)

Hope you are all having a Tigger-tastic weekend .... stay safe :-)

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