
My Japanese creative pruner friend shaped my Podocarpus totara Aurea. He also shaped the row of blue totara (Podocarpus totara Matapouri blue) on the inside of the fence so they'll thicken and join, rather than become straggly and leggy.

I always learn so much from Masa. For example I didn't know that this is the growing season for totara. Anchin, (Japanese for inner peace) the golden totara, is restored to its beautiful cloud tree form. It's like having a living sculpture in the garden.

I put a little chunk of time into the garden. I'll give my back a pass mark. It's telling me that some stretching now would be good.

This morning dawned with edge to edge black ice and frost on any paved surfaces. I passed on my a bike ride and walked to the township to meet friends for coffee instead. That was mostly a happy back activity.

Mr Jasper's had a better day, at least when I've been around. There hasn't been any episodes of collapsing on his side in pain. The difficult part is that he doesn't know he's injured. When he's feeling ok he'll belt around the house, jump and play.

I just have to hope that he's contained enough not to further injure his knee and back. He's remarkably good natured about his confinement.

Today's gratitude: For a bit of time in the garden.

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