Look out Mrs. K. I don’t want to lose you. You know I am not very good at cooking. And you say that too many M & S microwave meals is not good for me.

This sizeable Ash is precariously balanced against another tree and one of its own branches.
Sadly it has been unable to practice arboreal isolation and has probably been weakened by Ash Dieback. Every year more of our Ash trees succumb to this for which there is no vaccine. Luckily it seems that a small number are resistant and may be able to begin the long term recovery. We hope therefore that it may not be quite as disastrous as was Dutch Elm disease.

The extra is specially for a Blipper who has spent most of her life I think in Kansas, USA. But as a child she lived in Morecambe and had grandparents in Silverdale. She has told me that she frequently visited and played in the woods and fields shown here. This is of course the medieval Arnside Tower and in the foreground Tower Farm.

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