
By TMac


An update for Brisa followers.
As you know, she was diagnosed with a particularly nasty Lymphoma two years ago in April. She was given a survival time of 11-13 months with chemotherapy. As she was young and relatively well, we gave her the chance. Chemo was a rocky road and we had many ups and downs but she has been in remission for over 18 months now...
At the start of the week she became very unwell. She had had a soft cough for a while but it came and went and we watched quietly but with trepidation.
Then she became obviously very seriously ill.
She has had a difficult week.
X-rays, intravenous fluid therapy, ultrasounds, and intravenous medications.
Lots of angst and worry.
She's home,
She's eating again.
Her temperature is normal again.
She's being her usual goofball self and enjoying the attention.
She'll have another scan soon.
We know we are biding time but, as our wise 15 year-old told me, she has no idea that she is ill and is just getting on with things.
Oh, but it's hard!

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