Nora's new bedroom window

We had a tour of the newly plastered new house with Nora and her Daddy today. It looks fabulous and so well thought out for a one level, forever house for them. We walked over on the new path from my brother and sister-in law's house. They have been living there with C&D&G for two years this coming November as the new house has evolved from plans to reality. Nora's dad, David is cutting a path in the woods to connect to our path that goes up through the myrtle and pines behind our barn. 

My parents and maternal grandparents would be so happy to see Sarah settled on another piece of the 15 acres that came with the house in 1928. It's wonderful to have family close with forest paths.

Today is our friend Dolly's birthday, we called her on What'sApp and had a lovely chat.

For the Record,
This day came in cloudy and cooler, but still too humid.

All hands wary.

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