
By Dollykgray

I invited 2 girlfriends over for coffee and cake this afternoon. It was quite warm so we sat on the terrace. I made these little cakes from the leftover tops of Madeira cakes which I had leveled to decorate. I had put them in the freezer to use one day. I cut out rounds and sandwiched them with an experimental custard/cream cheese/freeze dried raspberry filling. I put amaretti biscuit crumbs around the outside. The rest of the cake scraps I made into cake pops with some of the filling. The cakes were very nice but I won’t make the same filling as they were very fiddly and messy to put together. As the afternoon wore on the sky got darker and darker and we had a very impressive thunderstorm. My friends waited it out, helped along by an Aperol Spritzer, then headed home when the rain eased.

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